Friday 27 September 2013

~ Hanasaku Hime giveaway and random stuff ~

Hello dears!

I'm sorry.. I hadn't blogged for a while because I have a lot of problems and also because of school. I'm really sorry...

By the way, a month ago, I've participated to a giveaway but since I don't win at any, I hadn't a lot of hope like always haha, but for the first time, I won something HALLELUJAH *happiness dance*
The giveaway was from Hanasaku Hime  and the prize was a pair of awesome shoes that are my size *double hallelujah*

I received my prize today, and since I'm really depressed, I felt happier than usual, thank you so much!
Here's what I got :

Awww an Hello Kitty box, that's so cute <3 <3 I'm a big fan of Hello Kitty so thanks a lot Hanasaku <3

The aokhjlajf pair of shoes! <3

The letter :3 <3
I got all this things plus a pair of earrings, I'm wearing it righ now :3 I tried the boots because I was afraid of walking with that heels, this was the first time I was walking with this kind of heels so I was really happy that it was easier than I thought :') It makes me wayyyy taller, because I'm small as f*ck. ;_;
Hanasaku's letter said (thanks to my German origins, I've understood everything you said, dear :3) "Hey Yuri, have fun with the shoes *-* I've also added some small gifts, love greeting, Hanasaku Hime (P.S. : There were candies in the little box before ^-^)"
That's so cute, thanks a lot Hanasaku Hime, that's so lovely! <3

Second part of this post

I don't know if I've already told you that I was going in a cosmetic/aesthicism school, but it's just perfectly awesome! The only problem I have is that I'm really depressed since the beginning of September and it's not because of school at all, it's just personnal problems.. I'm easily sick because i'm weaker than usual, i have a lot of headaches that makes me fall on the floor, people think i'm drunk or something else.. :/ I'm going to see a doctor the October 18th for that, the day before my 18th birthday, I hope he won't say that it's a deadly disease.. By the way, something "happier", I've learned a lot of thinks in my make-up classes so I know how to do a gradient without making it look messy *yay*
But the only thing I don't like in this school is that I have to look normal, like the other girls, I don't have to have hair in a non-usual color, so that's why I died my hair in my natural hair color : black, I don't have to have long nails and I don't have to have tattoos or pierçings. I'm really sad of it, to lose "normal".. The other girls are really bad with me, saying horrible stuff, and I can't say something back because I'll be injured again and again since i'm the only that is different.. T__T It's like wearing a uniform all week long till the week-end where i'm dressed the way I want.. :/ I can't wait for the next holidays
So now i'm like that : (I actually think i'm prettier with my natural hair color, and yes my natural hair color is not dark brown hair but it's really black, like asians haha)

Thanks for reading, 



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